
Posts Tagged ‘lottery forecasts’

Best Lottery Players

Best Lottery Winning Methods
In the last article titled,
Best Lottery Winning Methods,
I gave you simple highly overlooked methods that could win money for you. In this article, I will show you actual examples of how the best lottery players use them and how you could make money with the group. I will give the whole group in the complicated trends as mentioned in the last article with examples of where the group played and how you can use them in your local lottery market.
Winning Lottery Number Trends
The casual observer or bystander will miss the enormous opportunity. You are not going to be one of them after reading this article.
The simple pick 3 trend as mentioned in the last article is,
123, 456 and 789.
In the later part of the article titled,
Best Lottery Winning Methods,
I brought in winning pick 3 number 890 or 098 as the case may be.
The above winning numbers are very simple yet missed by many.
If I tell you that the best lottery players in the world could make a minimum of two thousand dollars in a span of a few months with the above numbers you may find it hard to believe.
The above winning pick 3 numbers in simple numeric order once more are among the group we call difference one methods in lottery jargon. I will not belabor on that at this point beyond making good use of the opportunity to reap huge rewards.
An example of the trend in action.
You will find the above winning numbers in every market including yours.
Connecticut lottery played the entire group in just a few months.
CN lottery started the recent trend by playing 789 on 5/21/2012 followed by 456 on 8/29/2012. The best bettors will not miss this opportunity; neither should you. The trend continued by playing 098 on 10/2/2012 and 123 followed three days later on 10/15/2012.
I am fully aware of the fact that the entire group including 890 played earlier in the year. That alone is enough to alert a good bettor that the trend is repeating.
In each of the above cases the numbers played straight. The payout would be about $500 for every $1 bet won.
The same trend is going to play in your local lottery market.
Consider getting the,
Best Lottery Books,
To help you identify and win the complicated trends.
Go through the best lottery books including,
Lottery Pocket Book
Pick 3 – Pick 4 Pro
Keno Lottery Pro

Winning Complicated Lottery Numbers
I cannot over emphasize the fact that the key to winning is trend.
Let us take a look at more complicated trend and the winning number from the group that is lying in wait. That number and the rest of the group is your opportunity to make more money. You will know and follow the methods of the best lottery player in the world.
Maryland lottery started playing the trend with winning number 519 on 10/1/2012 followed by 986 on 10/5/2012 and 341 on 10/7/2012.
You will notice on a careful observation that the three pick 3 numbers that played did in just one week. You will not find this level of number trend calculations outside the best lottery books collection.
The trend resumed ten days later by playing 658 on 10/17/2012. The only winning number that is left to complete the trend is 969.
On another rich side note Maryland lottery just played 711 a few days ago. The winning number 711 typically pulls down 959. If that happens and 711 repeated consider doing the same with 959.
The 969 is set for the completion of the trend.
The mastery of this level of manual number trend calculation is available only to the best lottery player in the world.
That is the noble corner where you stand to make consistent money. The above trend is now available for you to make money with.
In every discipline there can only be one best.
You have the answers in your hand right now.
This is your chance to have that SUPERB rewarding title.
The Best Lottery Books are your key to being the best lottery player in the world.
The best lottery player in the world is,
Get the tools right now!

All Forecasts Won See New Predictions

You Deserve a Win!
We made predictions for all of our readers titles,
Best lottery books pick for this month.

We stand by the title whole heartedly because we know the efficacy of our methods. The best lottery books is second to none.
All the predictions we made played in just about one week. We do hope you followed us and made some money as well.
The predictions were made on 9/2/2012. Florida state lottery played 560 on 9/5/2012 and 111 on 9/7/2012. That would be less than one week for both winning Cash 3 numbers from the prediction.
Louisiana State lottery fans won with 374 on 9/5/2012. You don’t need anybody to tell you at this point that the predictions are superb. The 374 played straight just like the triple for Florida. In each of the cases the predictions would have netted about $500 for each $1 bet.
That is a lot of money. You did not even pay for the forecasts.
You might think at this point that they would pause. That of course was not in our calculations. The trend produced consistent winning numbers as long as the calculations are right.
This is precisely why people who bought the best lottery books win consistently. One verified reader won about $4000 within a space of two months.
Texas lottery fans won with the 065 on 9/6/2012. That would be one day from the date the same numbers won in Florida.
California state lottery fans won 112 on 9/5/2012 as well as the readers from Idaho that won the sane 112 on 9/12/2012.
Illinois State fans would not be left out. They won with 356 straight on 9/12/2012.
I am yet to mention all the other states that won.
The month is still young. The above predictions could still make good money for you.
The next predictions in place are 026, 126, 106 and 462.
You can join us and start winning or watch others enjoy the opportunities.
Best lottery Books will pour out the winning numbers for your local lottery market right in front of you. Give yourself the opportunity to win $4000 or more like the reader who did it with the book,
Lottery pal
You cannot find a better book with enormous advantage.
